Monday, July 30, 2007

This here blog...

Students of the Animation Portfolio Workshop devote a lot of time to developing their drawing skills. They work hard. This blog is devoted to showing examples of their drawings. After taking the Animation Portfolio Workshop these students have gone on to study animation in some of the top animation schools and also to work in the animation biz.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


This one i threw in there just to get things going...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Room Drawing by Myke Bakich

This room drawing by Myke Bakich is full of unexpected little things...including the small surprised character at the back with the rifle. After taking the Animation Portfolio Workshop in 2002, Myke completed 4 years at Sheridan Animation Program and now works free-lance as a storyboard artist as well as teaching part-time for the APW.

Facial Expressions by Chang Dai

This character was designed by Chang Dai who studied with the
Animation Portfolio Workshop
between September 2006 and March 2007.
Chang was accepted into Sheridan's Animation program.

Animation Portfolio Workshop

Welcome Character Designers! Have a look through these drawings by students (past and present) of the
There are more drawings to come from past students as the word gets out about the blog.
Just click on the Blog Title for more.

